
Why the Community Forum?

The Bhoomi Ka Agroecological Community Network unites farmers, researchers, consumers, and agroecology enthusiasts. This vibrant platform facilitates collaboration, enabling stakeholders to exchange sustainable practices, expertise, and innovations.

Users can ask questions, seek advice, and provide answers to help others with similar interests or problems. The purpose of an online network is to facilitate communication and interaction among a group of people who share common interests, goals, or needs.

The platform will showcase innovative sustainable initiatives, empowering communities and consumers alike. Through Bhoomi Ka’s network, eco friendly farming practices flourish, relationships strengthen, and collective growth transforms the agroecological landscape.

Bhoomi Ka Community Forum

How You Can Benefit As

Producer – Business – Consumer


(farmers, FPOs)

  1. Outreach
  2. Direct Consumer Interactions
  3. Marketing
  4. Transparency


(retailers, markets)

  1. Marketing of brand/store.
  2. Advertise
  3. Partnership opportunities.
  4. Collaborations


  1. Knowledge Base (new organic foods, proper certifications, what classifies as organic, production techniques, technology, etc..)
  2. New products and services
  3. Collaborations

Explore our Platform to Cultivate Ideas!