Our Roots
Rooted in Passion
I want to eat food from local farmers I can trust.
Bhoomi Ka has grown into a movement that promotes the consumption of CLEAN | GREEN | FAIR food from the local farmers around you. The Bhoomi Ka movement was started by a small group of visionary ecopreneurs who strongly believe that the most nutritious and flavorful food comes from local smallholders close to you!
Bhoomi Ka cultivates connections by sowing seeds of collaboration for 7 years and counting!

Why Join the Bhoomi Ka Movement?

1. Healthy & Nutritious Food on your Plate

2. Local Farmers Receive a Fair Price

3. Environmentally Friendly & Sustainable
Locate Our Acres
Benefits of CLEAN | GREEN | FAIR
Local and Nutritious Food for a Healthy Body & Mind
Certified & Good for the Environment
Driving Innovation with Farmers & Ecopreneurs
CLEAN | GREEN | FAIR all the Way
What Makes Food CLEAN | GREEN | FAIR?

PGS Certification
Certification and traceability of ecological and organic produce is critical as it provides surety and guarantee to the consumers.
Bhoomi Ka promotes Participatory Guarantee Scheme (PGS) approach, a farmer-friendly organic farm certification system, approved by Government of India. PGS is now also recognized by IFOAM and FAO. This certification opens-up the domestic markets for the farmers along with several other important beneficial features. Through its implementation partners, Bhoomi Ka supports smallholder farmers to acquire PGS certification. Farmers will be linked with regional councils and trainers through the Bhoomi Ka network platform.
Sustainable Integrated Farming Systems
Bhoomi Ka works with smallholder farmers to encourage usage of farming methods that are in synchrony with nature. This agroecological system is called Sustainable Integrated Farming System (SIFS). SIFS integrates various techniques like soil water conservation, energy security, rainwater harvesting, cropping sequence management, and multi-tier arrangement for better utilization of space and time.
SIFS model is developed keeping in mind three key principles-
Cropping sequence: Appropriate cropping methodology ensures less competition for food.
Multi-storey arrangement: High levels of interaction among biotic and abiotic components make a natural ecosystem resilient, self-maintaining, and highly productive.
Integrated subsystems and various components: In ecologically integrated farming systems, closer integration is attempted within each farm/garden/pond etc. at the level of nutrient exchange as well as at the functional level.

Farmer Collectivization
Bhoomi Ka actively works with smallholder farmers and farmer groups to help them organise Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) to improve their access to larger markets to get higher margins for their produces. FPOs associated with Bhoomi Ka are involved in safe food procurement, primary processing, and marketing of eco-certified products.
Local Value Chain
Bhoomi Ka promotes local and regional value chains to support the local farmer communities have larger share in the value chain and create more jobs at community level. Bhoomi Ka through FPOs supports setting up of Common facility Centers (CFC), to promote local processing through which they receive additional income. Short value chain also helps in maintaining food quality and reduce food wastage. More consumers are buying local, to know where their food comes from and how it was produced.

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